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New Earth Seeds

Sugar Snap Pea

Sugar Snap Pea

Regular price $3.25 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.25 USD
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60 Days.  3-4" pods on 6' tall, heavy yielding plants holding 4-6 peas each. Holds longer in the heat than any other variety. Extra sweet, crisp, and juicy edible pods great for fresh use, or in Asian dishes. Cool weather crop that dies out in the heat. Direct sow peas as soon as the soil can be worked in early Spring. Harvest often to keep plants producing. Sow again in late Summer for a delectable Fall harvest. pisum sativum

  • Excellent flavor
  • Easy to grow
  • Sow 1" deep
  • Space 2-4"
  • Germinates in 5-7 days.
  • 100 seeds

Packed for                Lot#F441

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